5 Things You Never Knew About Someday, Never, Always

If ever there was an act of vanity, here it is.

I am fairly certain most of you reading this don’t care, let alone know any of these. Not even my husband, who no matter what he says, hasn’t read this book even though his face is on the cover. My mother has also not read this book because she is still trying to figure out her password on her Kindle.

Aren’t we all?

Still, it’s all in good fun that you are humoring me by reading this far. Thank you.

  1. I wrote this book 10 years ago when I worked in corporate America and had twin five-year-olds. Needless to say, I couldn’t even go to the bathroom by myself (meaning alone, not because I had a physical infirmity). The only time I had to myself was my lunch hour. I went out to my car every day and wrote. It took me nine months.
  2. My husband is on the cover. It wasn’t planned. We were on “date night” and we happened upon a store with a display of beautiful black crystals in the shape of wings. He sat down in front of them, wearing dark sunglasses, and a black fedora and Reality came to life. Plus, every TikTok he’s in gets more views than mine so here’s hoping that kind of internet fame translates to selling more books.
  3. I didn’t, and still don’t, believe this book has a market but it was fun to write. Is it modern mythology, fantasy…you got me? But if you know, I’d appreciate you telling me.
  4. All my books narrate themselves. I hear a distinct voice and try to write as fast as possible. Because of this, so far, they’ve all been in first person. I hate writing in first person but my main characters don’t seem to care. They are kind of egotistical like that.
  5. The title came from the idea that in any of our relationships we may think “someday,” “never,” or “always” about a person we are with. Sometimes it’s even the same person we have those feelings about.

When it comes to love, you just never know where the road will lead and who will be traveling with you. And that’s kinda the fun.

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