Author: Christina

  • 5 Things You Never Knew About Someday, Never, Always

    If ever there was an act of vanity, here it is. I am fairly certain most of you reading this don’t care, let alone know any of these. Not even my husband, who no matter what he says, hasn’t read this book even though his face is on the cover. My mother has also not…

  • When Was the Last Time You Watched the Sun Set?

    Serious question on this President’s Day…when was the last time you watched the sun set? I’m not talking about seeing a sunset from your car as you’re driving to a baseball game (oh wait, that’s me). I mean you go somewhere–even if that somewhere is sitting on your back deck or at your window–and you…

  • Shiny Squirrel and Other Distractions

    Six weeks ago, my husband and I were in New Orleans, setting of The Confederacy of Dunces (a book you really should read) and home to Anne Rice. There, we ate pizza slices the size of our heads and visited a psychic, not at the same time. Pizza first. I am a believer that some…

  • Being a Writer Is Hard

    Being a Writer Is Hard

    Writing is hard. Not terminal illness or losing a best friend hard. Okay, it’s not really hard at all. But ideas are. Ideas and the time in seat that it requires to hammer out nouns and verbs that agree. Not to mention sticking in a few things to make English teachers go “hmmm.” That’s hard.…

  • I’m Giving Up on Meditation. Convince Me Otherwise.

    I’m Giving Up on Meditation. Convince Me Otherwise.

    I like quiet. That’s no secret. That’s why I had twin boys. I also like rainy days. That’s why I moved to the Sunshine State. While my decisions don’t always make sense, the older I get, the more I understand about myself. And if there’s one thing I know, I can’t meditate. It’s not that…

  • Train Wrecks and Letting Go

    Writers are observers. I tend to be less quick to react in situations because I find myself wanting to watch how it will turn out without getting involved, something I knew would keep me from ever becoming a first responder. Writers constantly narrate our days in our head as things are happening. That’s what I…

  • The Writing Career Path

    When I was 7, I wanted to be two things in life: a writer and a mom. I am one of the fortunate ones who has had her dreams come true even if I plodded through a very thick, overgrown path to get there. I’m not going to talk about my path to motherhood. That’s…

  • Dude, Kittle

    My best friend took her own life on March 21, 2017. I remember because the date was 3,2,1, which I now refer to as “blast-off day.” The book West of You is not for her. It’s for those of us left behind. Kittle never reached 45. She chose to check out prematurely, leaving no note,…

  • West of You: Book Trailer

    West of You: Book Trailer

    The book isn’t up on Amazon yet but here’s a little preview to my debut novel. What do you think?

  • West of You

    From debut author Christina Metcalf, a story of grief and forgiveness following a woman at a crossroads in her life. Alone for the first time in her life, Sara feels disconnected afloat on a sea of grief and anger after her best friend’s suicide. Will Sara get the answers she needs to forgive herself and…

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